Communication with God is the privilege and duty of every follower of Jesus Christ. Without it we grow cold in our walk. 1 Thessalonians 5:17; Romans 12:12
Each Christian is given a gift and is called to use it in service to the body of Christ. A growing Christian is a serving Christian. 1 Corinthians 12:7; 1 Peter 4:10
The Word
The proclamation of God’s Word is essential to any spiritual growth. We value expository preaching for it presents the Word as God gave the Word.
God desires that spiritual formation happen in the context of community. People help people live in greater faithfulness and holiness.
Corporate Worship
The church is not the church if it is not gathering. Though online teaching can be beneficial it is not a substitute for gathering with the Lord’s people to worship the Lord in the Word, prayer, song, and ordinances.
God desires that disciples be made in all nations (Matthew 28:19-20). Thus, we pray, give, and go, to see this happen in our community and around the world.
Family Shepherding
The primary discipleship arena for children is in the family (Deut 6:6-7, Eph 6:4). We train families to better live out the gospel at home, and then build upon that discipleship in the church.
Giving (time, talents, treasure)
God has blessed his people with resources. These resources (time, talents, and treasure) are not to be hoarded by the individual, but offered back to him worship. A generous life is God’s calling for the Christian (Matt 25:14ff, 2 Cor 9:6)
Unity among believes was the earnest prayer of Jesus in the upper room (John 17:11ff) and was the continued proclamation of the apostles. (Eph 4:3-5; Gal 5:14-15).